Drug Rehab Center

Saturday, July 26, 2008

In conducting an intervention, one goal should stand above all the others: to convince the addict you care about to get help

In conducting an intervention, one goal should stand above all the others: to convince the addict you care about to get help. There is no other point to the crisis intervention process, no other reason that any one should undertake an addiction intervention in the first place. If you’ve made it this far, you don’t need to be told that substance abuse is a devastating disease. You know that it wrecks lives, and ruins careers, and turns its victims into shells of their former selves. The good news is that a successful intervention can be a catalyst for meaningful and lasting addiction recovery. The only catch is that you have to take the first step.

The decision to conduct an intervention is never easy. It will, however, be the most important on you ever make. A drug and alcohol intervention conducted with the help of a professional intervention specialist may well save the life of the addict you care about. Given the stakes, it’s well past time you finally made the right decision.

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