Drug Rehab Center

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Drug rehabilitation is about personal growth and awareness

Drug rehabilitation is about personal growth, if it is about anything at all. Addiction is invariably a product of some deficiency in addicts themselves, some physical or psychological need that can’t be met without profound internal change. That change, in turn, has to come from the inside-out. No one can get sober for you in a drug rehabilitation facility. If you’re going to get better, it’s going to be because you resolve to do so on your own terms, in a way that’s meaningful to you and no one else. Short of that, you can’t ever expect to get where you need to go.

The most successful drug rehabilitation patients are the ones who learn the most about themselves during the rehab process. Growth, after all, is first and foremost a function of personal discovery, of coming to see yourself as you actually are. The best drug rehabilitation center, in turn, is the one that can give you the skills and support you’ll need to do the seeing. Let that principle be your guide as you look for a a place that’s right for you.

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