Drug Rehab Center

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Alcohol, a Drug that Is Overlooked

It all happened to us. Quench a growing thirst by satisfying the prevailing need to refresh our bodies. A night out in a bar on a hot summer evening, who wouldn't give in to the little pleasures of quietly sipping a delightful Pina Colada, carefully prepared by a talented bartender? It's so delicious, why not have another one? The alcohol is barely noticeable, so what could be the harm? You give in to temptation one more time, and take a third one. The effects of alcohol rapidly begin to show themselves, but this doesn't stop you from taking one last Pina Colada, you know, just for the ride back home. That's all you remember of your night the next day. A throbbing headache awakes you in the morning, a horrid breath, all of this accompanied by the familiar sensation of queasiness.

It's no secret, alcohol is a common beverage served in social gatherings, parties, homes and even in religious celebrations. Therefore, it is anything but surprising that the general perception on the dangers of alcohol is underestimated and anything but worrisome for some. Alcohol is generally thought of as being a beverage that "relaxes the atmosphere." Furthermore, brand names and alcoholic percentage come into play as to the pricing of such beverages. Overall, finding alcohol to drink is easy, relatively inexpensive, but most importantly, it's legal.

Alcohol, a Real Drug

Categorically, we are quick to be judgemental about those who are addicted to drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroine, methamphetamine, etc.). Nevertheless, we don't stop there. Many don't truly grasp and understand the reasons that may push someone towards substance abuse, and are unable to realize the difficulty the drug addict faces in quitting. However, when someone becomes an alcoholic, we tend to tolerate and accept this fact with much more ease. Yet, alcohol is a drug. Few actually believe it, but it is.

To fully grasp the hazards of alcohol, it will be compared to the widely known drug Marijuana. We already know that alcohol is legal. Everyone 18 years and older in Quebec may freely buy any desired quantity. The age limit in other provinces varies according to provincial legislature. In the United States of America, it takes 21 years of age to legally possess any alcoholic beverage. Marijuana is illegal nationwide to consume and cultivate, and perpetrators are severely punished for this offence by the police forces. As a drug, Marijuana does pose health risks to individuals, hence it is downright correct for it to be illegal. Many teenagers have already consumed Marijuana, since they particularly enjoy the "highs" it gives them. Predictably, they equally enjoy drinking alcohol and partying over weekends.

"It's liquid courage, I can pick up women, I can get in fights and feel no pain," reported a former alcoholic.

Below is a table demonstrating the known effects of alcohol and Marijuana on the human body:



Status: Legal

- Slower reflexes

- Fewer inhibitions

- Increased confidence

- Reduced coordination

- Slurred speech

- Intense moods

- Confusion-Blurred vision

- Poor muscle control

- Nausea

- Vomiting

- Possibly coma or death

*Side effects depend on volume of alcohol consumed.

Status: Illegal

- Memory and learning problems

- Distorted perception

- Difficulty thinking and solving problems

- Bloodshot eyes

- Dry mouth and throat

- Faster heartbeat

By looking at the side effects of both drugs, Marijuana appears to be a mild drug when compared to alcohol. Even though the side effects of alcohol vary according to the amount of alcohol ingested, we rarely limit ourselves to a single glass. Age, sex, body build and metabolism are also factors influencing the effects of alcohol on an individual.

Alcohol in our Society

Not only in Alberta, but in other Canadian provinces too, the popularity of crystal meth is increasing dramatically. Canada's crystal meth problem is the worst in British Columbia. The number of deaths there related to methamphetamine has risen from three in 2000 to thirty-three in 2004. Most of those deaths have been drug overdoses or car accidents in which the driver was high on meth. A rise in certain types of crime in B.C. in recent years is in part attributable to the increased use of methamphetamines. Car theft, fraud and sex assaults are all fuelled by the adrenaline rush from crystal meth. It gets worse. Families, including children, live in these home-based labs, eating and sleeping next to highly toxic chemicals. Health officials fear children exposed to these chemicals are at a significantly higher risk of long-term health problems, including Parkinson’s disease, and many are mentally delayed. Yet unless the lab is discovered, the children remain in a perilous situation.The environment is equally affected. The creation of crystal meth in those clandestine labs produces huge amounts of chemical waste. For every pound of crystal meth produced, 5 pounds of chemical waste has to be disposed of. Usually, it is either flushed down the bathtub, or simply thrown out into the environment.Crystal meth is an all-round poisonous drug. It is a growing crisis affecting families, friends and neighbourhoods, just like yours. No one is sheltered from its harmful effects, be it by the drug itself, the toxicity of producing it, or the dangers of being nearby a hidden clandestine lab. Additional drug prevention campaigns and resources need to be put forth to help eliminating this threat. Crystal meth is a killer that must be stopped.Certain Canadian provincial governments are beginning to take measures to counteract the increasing popularity of crystal meth. Drug prevention campaigns across the country are being set in place to inform the youth and teenagers of the grave dangers of this drug. For those who wish to get help with their drug addiction, there are several drug rehabilitation and treatment centers scattered throughout the country.One of them is Narconon® (a unique biophysical 100% drug rehabilitation program). Its exceptional methods have proven countless times to be effective and have shown positive results. The qualified staff is present and attentive to the needs of each individual, and is determined to help the individual in overcoming his drug addiction. If you are affected by crystal meth, don’t let it dictate your life, get help now.Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Program

The Narconon program has worked for over thirty years to help patients end their addictions to drugs, alcohol, painkillers, and other controlled substances. The hallmark of Narconon is its ability to create a drug free rehab and drug-free recovery program that frees patients from the fears of substituting anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication, and sedatives for the original drug.

Indeed, Narconon believes that a natural, holistic approach to withdrawal is the most beneficial program for a patient. Once a patient has rid himself of toxins in the body, the mind recovers from its need for addictions and the cycle of abuse ends gradually, permanently. Drug rehabilitation, alcohol rehab, and addiction-ending programs must begin with a withdrawal from the substance in question, often leaving the patient in the throes of anxiety, depression, fear, and substitute cravings.
At Narconon, we do not substitute addictions or leave patients to suffer through these withdrawals, but rather educate patients and help them to understand why the body created the addiction as a coping mechanism. Over time, as the body rids itself of biochemical toxins, we help them reclaim their life by taking control of their body. Through nutritional supplements, exercise, and simply sweating out toxins, they'll be able to speed withdrawal and imbue life with a new structure of purpose and relief.

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